Telefunken Elektroakustik
PAIR (TWO) Factory Matched and Balanced Telefunken Elektroakustic E88CC 6922 Black Diamond Tubes
$165.00 -
Pair (TWO) Factory Matched and Balanced Telefunken Elektroakustic ECC83 12AX7 Black Diamond Tubes
$165.00 -
PAIR (TWO) Factory Matched Telefunken Elektroakustic 6550 6550-TK Black Diamond Tubes
$218.00 -
Pair (TWO) FactoryMatched Telefunken Elektroakustic 6V6 6V6-TK Black Diamond Tubes
$91.00 -
Quad (FOUR) Factory Matched and Balanced Telefunken Elektroakustic E88CC ECC88 6922 Black Diamond Tubes
$329.00 -
QUAD (FOUR) Factory Matched and Balanced Telefunken Elektroakustic ECC83 12AX7 Black Diamond Tubes
$310.00 -
QUAD (FOUR) Factory Matched Telefunken Elektroakustic 6550 6550-TK Black Diamond Tubes
$410.00 -
QUAD (FOUR) Factory Matched Telefunken Elektroakustic 6V6 6V6-TK Black Diamond Tubes
$230.00 -
QUAD (FOUR) Factory Matched Telefunken Elektroakustic EL34 EL34-TK Black Diamond Tubes